
Fibroids services offered in Mobile, AL


As a leading OB-GYN specialist, Carolyn Ringhoffer, MD, understands the impact that uterine fibroids can have on your quality of life. At Ringhoffer OB-GYN in Mobile, Alabama, Dr. Ringhoffer offers comprehensive assessment and personalized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs. Schedule an appointment by phone or online to learn more.

What causes uterine fibroids?

Uterine fibroids, or leiomyomas, are benign growths that form within the muscular wall of the uterus. Though the precise cause of fibroids remains unclear, various factors such as hormonal imbalances, genetic predisposition, and estrogen levels are believed to play a role in their development.

Additionally, factors such as age, ethnicity, and obesity may increase the risk of developing fibroids.

Hormonal Influences

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone, play a significant role in the growth and development of uterine fibroids. These hormones are at their highest levels during reproductive years, explaining why fibroids are more common in women of reproductive age.

Genetic Factors

Genetic predisposition may also contribute to the development of fibroids. Women with a family history of fibroids are at a higher risk of developing them themselves. However, not all women with a family history will develop fibroids, and vice versa.

What are the signs I have uterine fibroids? 

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of uterine fibroids is crucial for early detection and prompt treatment. While some women with fibroids may experience no symptoms at all, others may experience:

Menstrual Changes

Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding is a common symptom of uterine fibroids. You may notice an increase in the duration or intensity of your periods, leading to frequent changes of sanitary products or anemia due to blood loss.

Pelvic Pain and Pressure

Fibroids can cause pelvic discomfort, pressure, or pain, particularly during menstruation or sexual intercourse. You may also experience a feeling of fullness or heaviness in the pelvic area.

Urinary and Bowel Symptoms

Large fibroids may press against the bladder or rectum, leading to urinary frequency, urgency, or difficulty emptying the bladder. Similarly, fibroids may cause constipation or difficulty with bowel movements.

How are fibroids treated?

Dr. Ringhoffer offers a range of treatment options tailored to your specific symptoms, medical history, and future fertility goals. Treatment may include:


Hormonal medications such as birth control pills or gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists may help regulate menstrual bleeding and alleviate symptoms associated with fibroids.

Minimally Invasive Procedures

Minimally invasive procedures such as uterine artery embolization (UAE)  can effectively shrink or remove fibroids while preserving the uterus.

Surgical Intervention

When uterine fibroids reach a significant size or cause severe symptoms, surgical options like myomectomy (removing the fibroids) or hysterectomy (removing the uterus) might be advised. Dr. Ringhoffer is dedicated to offering compassionate care and tailored treatment strategies for women dealing with uterine fibroids. Reach out to Ringhoffer OB-GYN via phone or online to begin your journey towards optimal women's health.